Based on UIImageView
Interactable input field view enabling user to type single or multi-line text. Based on TextMeshPro input field component.
Dependency Properties
Name | Type | Description |
Alignment | ElementAlignment | Used to align the view relative to the layout parent region it resides in. |
Alpha | float | Can be used to adjust the alpha color of this view and all its children. E.g. used for fade in/out animations. Is separate from and different from the background color of the view as it affects the children as well. |
AnimationTriggers | AnimationTriggers | The animation triggers for this selectable object. |
AsteriskChar | Char | Character used for password fields. |
BackgroundAlphaHitTestMinimumThreshold | float | Alpha values less than the threshold will cause raycast events to pass through the view. |
BackgroundColor | Color | Background color of the view. Color values can be specified by name (Red, Blue, Coral, etc), hexcode (#aarrggbb or #rrggbb) or rgb/rgba value (“1.0,0.0,0.5” or “1,1,1,0.5”). |
BackgroundFillAmount | float | Amount of the view shown when BackgroundType is set to Filled. |
BackgroundFillCenter | bool | Boolean indicating if the center of a Tiled or Sliced sprite should be rendered. |
BackgroundFillClockwise | bool | Boolean indicating if the sprite should be filled clockwise or counter-clockwise. |
BackgroundFillMethod | FillMethod | Enum indicating the background fill method. |
BackgroundFillOrigin | int | Point of origin of the Fill process. Value means different things with each fill method. |
BackgroundIsMaskingGraphic | bool | Boolean indicating if image is a masking graphic. |
BackgroundMaskable | bool | Boolean indicating if the graphic allows masking. |
BackgroundMaterial | Material | Material used by the sprite. |
BackgroundOnCullStateChanged | CullStateChangedEvent | Callback called when the culling state of this graphic either becomes culled or visible. |
BackgroundOverrideSprite | Sprite | Overrides the default sprite used by this view. |
BackgroundPixelsPerUnitMultiplier | float | Pixel per unit modifier to change how sliced sprites are generated. |
BackgroundPreserveAspect | bool | Boolean indicating if this sprite should preserve its aspect ratio. |
BackgroundRaycastTarget | bool | Boolean indicating if the graphic should be considered a target for raycasting. |
BackgroundSprite | Sprite | The background sprite of the view. The value is the name of the sprite asset file without extension, e.g. “mysprite”. |
BackgroundType | Type | Enum indicating what type of sprite the background is. |
BackgroundUseSpriteMesh | bool | Boolean indicating if the view should use mesh generated by TextureImporter or a simple quad mesh. |
BubbleNotifyChildLayoutChanged | bool | Boolean indicating if parent always should be notified when the child changes layout. |
CaretBlinkRate | float | The blinking rate of the input caret in cycles per second. |
CaretColor | Color | Color of the caret if CustomCaretColor is set. |
CaretPosition | int | Current InputField caret position (also selection tail). |
CaretWidth | int | Width of the caret. |
CharacterLimit | int | How many characters the input field is limited to (0 = infinite). |
CharacterValidation | CharacterValidation | The type of validation to perform on a character. |
Colors | ColorBlock | The ColorBlock for this selectable object. |
ContentType | ContentType | The type of input expected. |
CustomCaretColor | bool | Boolean indicating if caret color is customized by CaretColor. |
DisableLayoutUpdate | bool | Boolean indicating if automatic layout updates for this view should be disabled. When disabled the view doesn’t call UpdateLayout() when properties such as Width, Height, etc. changes. |
EnableScriptEvents | bool | Boolean indicating if unity script events (Update, LateUpdate, Awake, etc) should be relayed to the view code-behind through the corresponding methods that can be overriden. |
FontAsset | TMP_FontAsset | Font asset used by input field. |
GameObject | GameObject | GameObject in the hierarchy that corresponds to the view. |
Height | ElementSize | The height of the view in pixels or percents. |
IgnoreFlip | bool | Used when doing localization override default behavior of flipping the view Right to Left or Left to Rigth. |
IgnoreObject | bool | Boolean indicating if the view should be ignored. Ignored objects don’t run any load logic and don’t respond to property changed events. |
Image | Image | Convenience function that converts the referenced Graphic to a Image, if possible. |
InputType | InputType | Type of input expected. |
InputValidator | TMP_InputValidator | Input validator used by the input field. |
Interactable | bool | Boolean indicating if input field is interactable. |
IsActive | bool | Boolean indicating if the view is active. Deactivated views deactivates corresponding game object, components, renderers and scripts. |
IsRichTextEditingAllowed | bool | Boolean indicating if rich text editing is allowed. |
IsVisible | bool | Boolean indicating if view is visible or hidden. Invisible views still take up space but aren’t interactable and have their alpha set to 0. |
KeyboardType | TouchScreenKeyboardType | Enum indicating touch screen keyboard type. |
LineLimit | int | How many lines the input field is limited to (0 = infinite). |
LineType | LineType | Line type used by the input field. |
LoadMode | LoadMode | Enum flags indicating when and how the view should be loaded by the framework. Can be changed when e.g. the view is to be loaded on-demand. |
Margin | ElementMargin | Adding margins to a view changes the size of the area in which its content resides, but it does not change the width or height of the view. |
MaskContent | bool | Boolean indicating if content of the view should be masked. |
Navigation | Navigation | Navigation settings. |
Offset | ElementMargin | Determines the offset of the view. |
OffsetFromParent | ElementMargin | Offset set by a parent view. Used by views like Group to arrange children without changing their own Offset values. |
OnDeselect | SelectionEvent | Called when input field is deselected. |
OnEndEdit | SubmitEvent | Called when the user stops editing the input field. |
OnEndTextSelection | TextSelectionEvent | Called when text selections ends. |
OnFocusSelectAll | bool | Called when focused and all is selected. |
OnlyTriggerValueChangedFromUI | bool | Boolean indicating if the ValueChanged action only should be called when the user changes the input text and not when it’s programmatically changed. |
OnSelect | SelectionEvent | Called when input field is selected. |
OnSubmit | SubmitEvent | Called when submit event occurs. |
OnTextSelection | TextSelectionEvent | Called when text is selected. |
OnTouchScreenKeyboardStatusChanged | TouchScreenKeyboardEvent | Called when touch screen keyboard status changes. |
OnValidateInput | OnValidateInput | Called when input is validated. |
OnValueChanged | OnChangeEvent | Called when value is changed. |
OverrideHeight | ElementSize | Overrides regular Height value. Used to e.g. automatically size items without changing the default Height value set. |
OverrideWidth | ElementSize | Overrides regular Width value. Used to e.g. automatically size items without changing the default Width value set. |
Pivot | Vector2 | The pivot point of the view. |
Placeholder | Graphic | Placeholder graphics used by the input field. |
PointSize | float | Specifies the point size of the input field text. |
Position | Vector3 | Directly sets the local position of the view relative to parent. Position otherwise set using the Alignment and Offset properties. |
RaycastBlockMode | RaycastBlockMode | Enum indicating if raycasts should be blocked. |
ReadOnly | bool | Boolean indicating if the input field is read only. |
ResetOnDeActivation | bool | Boolean indicating if input field is reset on deactivation. |
RestoreOriginalTextOnEscape | bool | Boolean indicating if original text should be restored when user presses escape. |
RichText | bool | Boolean indicating if input is rich text. |
Rotation | Quaternion | Rotation of the view. |
Scale | Vector3 | Scale of the view. |
ScrollSensitivity | float | Indicates the sensitivity of scrolling the input field text. |
SelectionAnchorPosition | int | Determines the anchor position of selection. |
SelectionColor | Color | Color of the selection. |
SelectionFocusPosition | int | Selection focus position. |
SelectionStringAnchorPosition | int | Selection string anchor position. |
SelectionStringFocusPosition | int | Determines the focus position of the selection string. |
SetValueOnEndEdit | bool | Boolean indicating if the value of the input field text should be set after the user is done editing. |
ShouldHideMobileInput | bool | Boolean indicating if mobile input should be hidden. |
ShouldHideSoftKeyboard | bool | Boolean indicating if soft keyboard should be hidden. |
SpriteState | SpriteState | The sprite state of this selectable object. |
StringPosition | int | Position of the string. |
TargetGraphic | Graphic | Graphic that will be transitioned upon. |
Text | string | Text of the input field. |
TextComponent | TMP_Text | Reference to the text component. |
TextMargin | ElementMargin | Margin of the input text. |
TextViewport | RectTransform | Reference to the text viewport. |
Transition | Transition | The type of transition that will be applied to the targetGraphic when the state changes. |
UseFastShader | bool | Boolean indicating if the default UI shader should be replaced by a simpler and faster one. The faster shader does not support masking and clipping. |
VerticalScrollbar | Scrollbar | Reference to a vertical scrollbar used by the input field. |
Width | ElementSize | The width of the view in pixels or percents. |