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Based on UIView


View that presents text. Based on TextMeshPro text component.

Dependency Properties

Name Type Description
Alignment ElementAlignment Used to align the view relative to the layout parent region it resides in.
Alpha float Can be used to adjust the alpha color of this view and all its children. E.g. used for fade in/out animations. Is separate from and different from the background color of the view as it affects the children as well.
AutoSize AutoSize Enum indicating if and how the label should automatically resize itself to the size of the text.
AutoSizeTextContainer bool Boolean indicating if text container should be resized to text.
BubbleNotifyChildLayoutChanged bool Boolean indicating if parent always should be notified when the child changes layout.
CharacterSpacing float Determines the spacing between characters in the text.
CharacterWidthAdjustment float Percentage the width of characters can be adjusted before text auto-sizing begins to reduce the point size.
ColorGradient VertexGradient Sets the vertex colors for each of the 4 vertices of the character quads.
ColorGradientPreset TMP_ColorGradient Set the vertex colors of the 4 vertices of each character quads.
DisableLayoutUpdate bool Boolean indicating if automatic layout updates for this view should be disabled. When disabled the view doesn’t call UpdateLayout() when properties such as Width, Height, etc. changes.
EnableAutoSizing bool Enable text auto-sizing.
EnableCulling bool Sets the culling on the shaders. Note changing this value will result in an instance of the material.
EnableKerning bool Determines if kerning is enabled or disabled.
EnableScriptEvents bool Boolean indicating if unity script events (Update, LateUpdate, Awake, etc) should be relayed to the view code-behind through the corresponding methods that can be overriden.
EnableVertexGradient bool Determines if Vertex Color Gradient should be used.
EnableWordWrapping bool Controls whether or not word wrapping is applied. When disabled, the text will be displayed on a single line.
ExtraPadding bool Adds extra padding around each character. This may be necessary when the displayed text is very small to prevent clipping.
FaceColor Color32 Sets the color of the _FaceColor property of the assigned material. Changing face color will result in an instance of the material.
FirstVisibleCharacter int The first character which should be made visible in conjunction with the Text Overflow Linked mode.
Font TMP_FontAsset The font of the label. The value is the name of the font asset file without extension, e.g. “myfont”.
FontColor Color Color of the font.
FontMaterial Material Font material to be used.
FontMaterials Material[] Font materials to be used.
FontSharedMaterial Material Shared font material.
FontSharedMaterials Material[] Shared font materials.
FontSize float The point size of the font.
FontSizeMax float Maximum point size of the font when text auto-sizing is enabled.
FontSizeMin float Minimum point size of the font when text auto-sizing is enabled.
FontStyle FontStyles Font style.
FontWeight FontWeight Control the weight of the font if an alternative font asset is assigned for the given weight in the font asset editor.
GameObject GameObject GameObject in the hierarchy that corresponds to the view.
GeometrySortingOrder VertexSortingOrder Determines the sorting order of the geometry of the text object.
HavePropertiesChanged bool Property tracking if any of the text properties have changed. Flag is set before the text is regenerated.
Height ElementSize The height of the view in pixels or percents.
HorizontalMapping TextureMappingOptions Controls how the face and outline textures will be applied to the text object.
IgnoreFlip bool Used when doing localization override default behavior of flipping the view Right to Left or Left to Rigth.
IgnoreObject bool Boolean indicating if the view should be ignored. Ignored objects don’t run any load logic and don’t respond to property changed events.
IgnoreRectMaskCulling bool Controls whether or not the text object will be culled when using a 2D Rect Mask.
IgnoreVisibility bool Forces objects that are not visible to get refreshed.
IsActive bool Boolean indicating if the view is active. Deactivated views deactivates corresponding game object, components, renderers and scripts.
IsLinkedTextComponent bool Indicates whether this text component is linked to another.
IsMaskingGraphic bool Boolean indicating if this is a masking graphic.
IsOrthographic bool Boolean indicating if this graphic is orthographic.
IsOverlay bool Sets the RenderQueue along with Ztest to force the text to be drawn last and on top of scene elements.
IsRightToLeftText bool Boolean indicating if this text flows from right to left.
IsUsingLegacyAnimationComponent bool Property to handle legacy animation component.
IsVisible bool Boolean indicating if view is visible or hidden. Invisible views still take up space but aren’t interactable and have their alpha set to 0.
IsVolumetricText bool Determines if the geometry of the characters will be quads or volumetric (cubes).
LineSpacing float The amount of additional spacing to add between each lines of text.
LineSpacingAdjustment float The amount of potential line spacing adjustment before text auto sizing kicks in.
LinkedTextComponent TMP_Text The linked text component used for flowing the text from one text component to another.
LoadMode LoadMode Enum flags indicating when and how the view should be loaded by the framework. Can be changed when e.g. the view is to be loaded on-demand.
MappingUvLineOffset float Controls the horizontal offset of the UV of the texture mapping mode for each line of the text object.
Margin ElementMargin Adding margins to a view changes the size of the area in which its content resides, but it does not change the width or height of the view.
Maskable bool Boolean indicating if graphic is maskable.
MaskOffset Vector4 Offset of mask graphics.
Material Material Material used by graphic.
MaxWidth ElementSize Used when AutoSize is true and extends the label to the maxsize then expands vertically.
MaxVisibleCharacters int Allows to control how many characters are visible from the input.
MaxVisibleLines int Allows control over how many lines of text are displayed.
MaxVisibleWords int Allows to control how many words are visible from the input.
Offset ElementMargin Determines the offset of the view.
OffsetFromParent ElementMargin Offset set by a parent view. Used by views like Group to arrange children without changing their own Offset values.
OnCullStateChanged CullStateChangedEvent Called when cull state changes.
OutlineColor Color32 Sets the _OutlineColor property of the assigned material. Changing outline color will result in an instance of the material.
OutlineWidth float Sets the thickness of the outline of the font. Setting this value will result in an instance of the material.
OverflowMode TextOverflowModes Controls the text overflow mode.
OverrideColorTags bool This overrides the color tags forcing the vertex colors to be the default font color.
OverrideHeight ElementSize Overrides regular Height value. Used to e.g. automatically size items without changing the default Height value set.
OverrideWidth ElementSize Overrides regular Width value. Used to e.g. automatically size items without changing the default Width value set.
PageToDisplay int Controls which page of text is shown.
ParagraphSpacing float The amount of additional spacing to add between each lines of text.
ParseCtrlCharacters bool Enables or Disables parsing of CTRL characters in input text.
Pivot Vector2 The pivot point of the view.
Position Vector3 Directly sets the local position of the view relative to parent. Position otherwise set using the Alignment and Offset properties.
RaycastBlockMode RaycastBlockMode Enum indicating if raycasts should be blocked.
RaycastTarget bool Boolean indicating if the graphic should be considered a target for raycasting.
RenderMode TextRenderFlags Determines if the Mesh will be rendered.
RichText bool Enables or disables rich text tags.
Rotation Quaternion Rotation of the view.
Scale Vector3 Scale of the view.
SpriteAsset TMP_SpriteAsset Default Sprite Asset used by the text object.
Text string A string containing the text to be displayed.
TextAlignment TextAlignmentOptions Determines the alignment of the text.
TextMargin Vector4 Determines the margin of the text.
TextMeshProUGUIAlpha float Alpha value of the text.
TintAllSprites bool Determines whether or not the sprite color is multiplies by the vertex color of the text.
UseFastShader bool Boolean indicating if the default UI shader should be replaced by a simpler and faster one. The faster shader does not support masking and clipping.
UseMaxVisibleDescender bool Determines if the text’s vertical alignment will be adjusted based on visible descender of the text.
VertexBufferAutoSizeReduction bool Determines if the data structures allocated to contain the geometry of the text object will be reduced in size if the number of characters required to display the text is reduced by more than 256 characters.
VerticalMapping TextureMappingOptions Controls how the face and outline textures will be applied to the text object.
Width ElementSize The width of the view in pixels or percents.
WordSpacing float The amount of additional spacing between words.
WordWrappingRatios float Controls the blending between using character and word spacing to fill-in the space for justified text.