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    1. Introduction
    2. Anatomy of a View
    3. Deriving Views
    4. Dependency Properties
      1. Generic Dependency Properties
    5. Custom Initialization and Load Logic
    6. Update(), Awake(), Start(), etc.
    7. Responding to Property Changes
    8. Action Handlers
      1. Passing Arguments to Action Handlers in XML
      2. Embedded Action Handlers
    9. Custom View Actions
    10. Runtime Instantiation of a View
    11. Mapped Dependency Properties
      1. Mapping Unity Components
      2. Mapping Child View Properties
      3. Renaming Generated Properties
    12. Attached Properties
    13. Property Initializors


This tutorial goes a bit more in-depth what views are. After going through this tutorial you’ll know the basic inner workings of a view and be able to create custom views that can be re-used and built upon in your project.

Anatomy of a View

We’ll start by creating a simple view and break down its parts to see how it ticks. If you don’t know how to create a view and display it in a scene, check out the initial steps in Getting Started tutorial.


<MyView MyString="t:string">
  <Button Id="MyButton" Text="Hello" />

The view has one dependency property declared called MyString which is of the type string and it has one child view that is a Button with its Id and Text property values defined. The framework parses this XML file and generates the code-behind. The below excerpt highlights the main parts of the generated code-behind:


public partial class MyView : UIView
    public MyView(...)
        // constructing Button (MyButton)
        MyButton = new Button(this, this, "MyButton", MyButtonTemplate);

    public static DependencyProperty<string> MyStringProperty = 
        new DependencyProperty<string>("MyString");
    public string MyString
        get { return MyStringProperty.GetValue(this); }
        set { MyStringProperty.SetValue(this, value); }    
    public Button MyButton { get; }
    // etc ...

public static class MyViewTemplates 
    // etc ...

Note that the auto-generated code-behind will be overwritten every time the XML changes or when Rebuild All is pressed in the Delight window. It contains the following important parts:

  1. The generated class MyView that is inherits from UIView by default, which allows the view to be presented and arranged in the UI hierarchy. This class is used to instantiate the view and access its properties during runtime.
  2. It has a constructor that initializes the view, constructs the child views - MyButton in this case. And this is where bindings are created as well.
  3. The class contains the MyString dependency property we declared in the XML.
  4. The class contains a reference to the child view MyButton. If we hadn’t specified the Id of the button it would’ve gotten a generic name like Button1.
  5. finally we have the data templates that that defines the default values of our dependency properties. In this case the value Text="Hello". Note that those values are defined per type and not instance, which is one advantage of the dependency properties as it saves a lot of memory.

The framework also generates a blank code-behind for the view:


public partial class MyView

This code-behind can be customized to add methods and internal logic to the view. This file won’t be overwritten when the XML changes. Also note that it’s a partial class so you have access to the content generated in MyView_g.cs.

Deriving Views

To create a view that derives from another view use the BasedOn attribute:


<MyView BasedOn="LayoutRoot" MyString="t:string" PixelPerfect="True">
  <Button Id="MyButton" Text="Hello" />


public partial class MyView : LayoutRoot

In this example MyView now inherits all the logic and content from the LayoutRoot view, that is derived from by views that are at the root of the UI hierarchy, giving access to properties on the main UI canvas such as PixelPerfect, RenderMode, etc. Another common view to inherit from is UIImageView that allows us to set things like BackgroundColor and BackgroundSprite on our view. Lastly you might want to consider basing your view on another if you want to extend and build upon their functionality.

Dependency Properties

Dependency properties are declared in the view XML root element using the following syntax:



PropertyName="t:PropertyType = DefaultValue"


<MyView MyString="t:string = Default Text">

The dependency property can then be accessed through view XML:


  <MyView MyString="Test" />

You can also access it through code:


public partial class MyView
    public void SomeMethod()
        MyString = "Test";

Generic Dependency Properties

Dependency properties with generic types can be declared using the following syntax:

<MyView MyPlayerCollection="t:BindableCollection[Player]">

Which creates a dependency property with the generic type BindableCollection<Player> in code.

Custom Initialization and Load Logic


public partial class MyView
    protected override void AfterLoad()
        base.AfterLoad(); // execute load logic in base class
        // your custom load logic goes here

The most common way to add custom load/initialization logic is to override the AfterLoad() method. This method is called after the view and its children has been loaded. Note that it’s very important to call base.AfterLoad(); because the base classes performs important logic that needs to be executed. The following methods can be overridden to do custom logic during the load/initialization of the view. They are shown in the order they are called:

Method Description
BeforeInitialize() Called once in the object’s lifetime before construction of children and before load.
AfterInitialize() Called once in the object’s lifetime after construction of children and before load.
BeforeLoad() Called just before the view and its children are loaded.
AfterChildrenLoaded() Called just after the children are loaded, but before dependency properties are loaded.
AfterLoad() Called after the view and its children has been loaded.
BeforeUnload() Called just before the view and its children are unloaded.
AfterUnload() Called after the view and its children has been unloaded.

Some more pointers to help you decide where to put your logic:

  1. If you need access to the view’s GameObject it’s available first in BeforeLoad() and this is generally where the logic to add unity components to the GameObject resides.
  2. If you want standard constructor logic (initializing private fields, adding event handlers, registering message recipients, etc) - AfterInitialize() is the place to put it.
  3. When a view is unloaded, its GameObject is destroyed, components removed and all dependency properties are reset upon load. However, you might have created private fields that you want to clean up, or e.g. messenger recipients to unregister - then AfterUnload() is the place to do it.

Update(), Awake(), Start(), etc.

To respond to unity script events such as Update(), Awake(),Start(), etc. add EnableScriptEvents="True" to the view XML:


<MyView MyString="t:string" EnableScriptEvents="True">
  <Button Id="MyButton" Text="Hello" />

And override the corresponding method in your code-behind:


public partial class MyView
    protected override void Update()
        // called once per frame if EnableScriptEvents is true

Responding to Property Changes

In custom views you might want to perform some action whenever a property changes value. To do this you can override the OnChanged() method that is called when a property is changed:

public override void OnChanged(string property)
    switch (property)
        case nameof(MyString):
            // code executed whenever MyString value changes

Action Handlers

If you want to respond to actions you can attach action handlers to your views.


<Button Id="MyButton" Text="Hello" Click="MyButtonClick" />


public void MyButtonClick()
    // do something when button is clicked

You can also add parameters that are passed along by the action, different actions passes along different parameters. However, you can always add the source view that invokes the action as a parameter. The below example shows three different ways to implement the MyButtonClick()action handler:

public void MyButtonClick(Button button)
    Debug.Log(button.Name + " Clicked!");

public void MyButtonClick(PointerEventData pointerData)
    // Click, Drag, MouseDown, etc. may pass along PointerEventData

public void MyButtonClick(Button button, PointerEventData pointerData)
    // receive both source and event data

Passing Arguments to Action Handlers in XML

In some cases you might want to pass parameters to your action handlers through XML. The example below shows a common scenario when having click handlers inside a dynamic list item and wanting to pass along the list item to the action handler:

<List Items="{fruit in @Fruits}" BackgroundColor="White">
  <ListItem Width="150">
    <Button Text="Click Me" Click="MyClickHandler(fruit)" />

And you can add the parameter in code:

public void MyClickHandler(Fruit fruit)
    // do something with the fruit

Embedded Action Handlers

Rather than declaring the action handlers in the code-behind you can specify them directly in the XML file using embedded code expressions declared with $ prefix:

<Button Text="Main Menu" Click="$ ViewSwitcher.SwitchTo(MainMenu)" />
<Button Text="Trigger action" Click="$ SomeAction.Invoke()" />

Useful for simple actions.

Custom View Actions

Standard view actions exists for the unity event system events such as Click, Drag, Scroll, MouseDown etc. But sometimes you want to define your own actions, and you do this by declaring it in the XML:


<MyView MyString="t:string" MyAction="t:Action">
  <Button Id="MyButton" Text="Hello" />

And you can invoke this action in your code-behind:


public partial class MyView
    private void SomeMethod()
        MyAction.Invoke(this, "Action parameter");

Someone using MyView can then attach action handlers to your custom action:


  <MyView MyAction="SomeActionHandler" />


public partial class AnotherView
    private void SomeActionHandler(string actionArgs)

The action argument passed is a string in this case but can be of any type.

Runtime Instantiation of a View

var myView = new MyView();
myView.Load(); // load the view synchronously
// await myView.LoadAsync(); // load the view asynchronously

The above code manually instantiates a view during run-time. You can also attach a ViewPresenter unity component to a game object in your scene, to automatically create and load a specified view upon scene start.

Mapped Dependency Properties

Mapped dependency properties refers to properties that reside in either another view or on a custom type, most commonly unity components. This allows easy access to those properties. We declare mapped dependency properties using the m. prefix.

Mapping Unity Components

Mapping the Shadow unity component to our view:

<MyView MyShadow="t:UnityEngine.UI.Shadow" 
  1. First we declare the unity component as a dependency property MyShadow="t:UnityEngine.UI.Shadow".
  2. Then we generate the mapped dependency properties through m.MyShadow="". We use the m. prefix followed by the name of the property that will be mapped. This declaration tells the framework to scan the MyShadow property type for public fields and generate mapped dependency properties for them. The value we set (in this case an empty string) gets added as a prefix to the generated dependency properties.

After doing this we can access the new properties:

<MyView EffectColor="Red" EffectDistance="1,1" />

Note that it’s the view’s responsibility to add the component on load. This should be done in BeforeLoad():


public partial class MyView
    protected override void BeforeLoad()
        if (MyShadow == null)
            MyShadow = GameObject.AddComponent<UnityEngine.UI.Shadow>();

Mapping Child View Properties

<MyView m.MyLabel="">
  <Label Id="MyLabel" />

The above example creates mapped dependency properties for all the properties on the Label view. This enables us to do things like: <MyView Text="Hello" /> to set the Text property on the Label view.

Renaming Generated Properties

The rename. prefix can be used to rename generated properties to e.g. give them names that are more descriptive.

<MyView m.MyLabel="" rename.Text="Title">
  <Label Id="MyLabel" />

The above example renames the Text property to be called Title instead.

Attached Properties

Attached properties allows values to be associated with child views, e.g:

  <Grid Id="MyGrid">
    <Label Id="MyLabel1" Grid.Cell="0,0" />
    <Label Id="MyLabel2" Grid.Cell="0,1" />

The Grid view has an attached property called Cell. In the above example the grid gets the equivalent call in code:

MyGrid.Cell.SetValue(MyLabel1, new CellIndex(0, 0));
MyGrid.Cell.SetValue(MyLabel2, new CellIndex(0, 1));

The Grid view uses it to arrange the child labels into the specified cells.

To declare a custom attached property we use the at: prefix in our property declaration:


<MyView AttachedString="at:string">

Now the attached property can be set in other views:


    <Button MyView.AttachedString="Test" />

Attached properties are useful when you want child views of any type to be able to set values associated with it on some parent view.

Property Initializors

Property initializors are a construct that allows the user to specify multiple property values through one attribute. A common property initializor is Size declared using the i.prefix:

<UIView Width="t:ElementSize" Height="t:ElementSize" 
        i.Size="Width, Height">   

This initializor allows us to set Width and Height property values through the Size attribute. So <Region Size="100, 50" /> simply gets translated to: <Region Width="100" Height="50" /> .